Top 10 Spring Break Safety Tips

Top 10 Spring Break
Safety Tips
Story by Natasha Saad | Design by Marcus Allen

As spring break approaches for University of Houston students, it’s important to prioritize safety and well-being during this time of relaxation and adventure. Whether you’re planning a tropical getaway or staying close to campus, incorporating responsible choices into your spring break plans is essential. Follow these quick tips for a memorable and safe experience.

1. Navigating changes and maturing during college is a natural process. Returning home may require some adjustments. Take the time to talk with your family about any expectations or rules that still apply.
2. Prepare your own drinks or choose sealed cans/bottles. If your drink is unattended or out of sight, discard it and obtain a fresh one.

2. Prepare your own drinks or choose sealed cans/bottles. If your drink is unattended or out of sight, discard it and obtain a fresh one.

3. Avoid pressuring others to “keep up” or match your drinking pace. It's important to respect individual limits, including your own, and not succumb to peer pressure.
4. Ensure your safety and the safety of others by avoiding drinking and driving. Plan ahead by arranging a safe ride if you intend to attend parties.

4. Ensure your safety and the safety of others by avoiding drinking and driving. Plan ahead by arranging a safe ride if you intend to attend parties.

5. When entering any intimate situation with a new partner prioritize consent and ensure your well-being by using protection. Visit the UH Wellness office to access FREE condoms, internal condoms, and dental dams for a safer and healthier experience.
6. Initiate a conversation with your partner about STIs.

6. Initiate a conversation with your partner about STIs.

7. When traveling, keep your family and friends informed about your plans. Additionally, label emergency contacts in your phone under “In Case of Emergency” for quick access.
8. Listen to your instincts. If you sense any danger or discomfort, inform someone you trust to ensure you can safely remove yourself from the situation.

8. Listen to your instincts. If you sense any danger or discomfort, inform someone you trust to ensure you can safely remove yourself from the situation.

9. Wear sunscreen (minimum SPF 15) and bug repellent to protect your skin.
10. Stay hydrated! If you’re spending time outdoors, make sure to drink plenty of water.

10. Stay hydrated! If you’re spending time outdoors, make sure to drink plenty of water.
For more spring break safety tips, check out the full list from the Division of Student Affairs.