Rewarding Staff Excellence
UH staff recognized for extraordinary service at Staff Council Awards and Scholarship Ceremony

Optimism Award winner Toria Jones (center) with Staff Council members.
Optimism Award winner Toria Jones (center) with Staff Council members.

Staff Council President David Frankfort and Staff Council High Performance Award winner Bethany Rose holding up her certificate.
Staff Council President David Frankfort and Staff Council High Performance Award winner Bethany Rose holding up her certificate.

The UH College of Pharmacy Information Technology team accepting their Team Excellence Award.
The UH College of Pharmacy Information Technology team accepting their Team Excellence Award.
University of Houston staff members were in the spotlight during the Staff Council Awards and Scholarship Ceremony. The UH community gathered to celebrate the 2023 Staff Council awards recipients’ unwavering commitment and invaluable contributions to the University’s mission.
The annual ceremony is a signature event showcasing the work Staff Council is doing to support and recognize the UH staff community.
“UH staff are an integral part of the mission of this great university, and any time we can support a staff member's academic goal or recognize their dedication and contribution to excellence, we want to do that,” remarked Staff Council President-Elect, Whitney Johnson.
The Staff Council selects recipients who epitomize the diverse aspects of staff excellence such as leadership, innovation, customer service and teamwork.
“I’m honored to have received a Friend of Staff Council Award. I’ve helped out with Staff Council programs and events for about 20 years, both as a volunteer and as a member, and I believe the organization is helping to build a stronger UH community,” said Troy Christensen, Staff Council award winner.
Supporting Academic Success
The attendees also extended their applause for the 2023-2024 Staff Council scholarship recipients. Each year, Staff Council and the Women and Gender Resource Center award scholarships to UH staff members, as well as their dependents, who are earning their degree at UH.
This year Staff Council awarded $16,000 in scholarships, further exemplifying the organization’s commitment to supporting the growth and personal development of their colleagues. Scholarship funds are made possible with support from the President’s Office and through generous donations from UH staff members. The purpose of the scholarship is to alleviate some of the burdens of higher education costs and empower students to pursue their dreams.
“Receiving a scholarship from the UH Staff Council not only makes pursuing my master’s degree in health communication more affordable, but also provides me affirmation and encouragement to keep moving forward on this path,” said Rashda Kahn, Staff Council scholarship award winner.
Congratulations to all the 2023 Staff Council Award winners and scholarship recipients!
2023 Staff Council Award Winners
Rookie of the Year
Nomita Bajwa
Program Director 3, UH Population Health
Optimism Award
Toria Jones
Sexual Misconduct Support Manager, Women and Gender Resource Center
High Performance Award
Bethany Rose
Academic Advisor, C. T. Bauer College of Business
Impact Award
Juliann Losey
Asst. Director, Student Housing & Residential Life
Inspiring Leadership Award
Reuben Parrish
Director, UH Wellness Center
Collaborator Award
Evan Leslie
Director of Community Arts Academy, Kathrine G. McGovern College of Arts
Friends of Staff Council Award
Troy Christensen
Program Manager 2, Texas Center for Superconductivity- TcSUH
Brisa Gossett
Department Business Manager, C. T. Bauer College of Business
Monique Wiltz
Director, Undergraduate Student Success Center
Amy Ma
Assistant Manager, Technology Services and Support
Team Excellence Award
UH College of Pharmacy Information Technology
Paul Boyle
Director, College of Pharmacy IT Support
Ivey Davis
Manager, Coll/Div Information Services
Kevin Huynh
User Services Spec III
Kervens Paul Dor
User Services Spec III
Luis Onate
User Services Spec III
2023-2024 Staff Council Scholarship Recipients
Stephanie Perez-Gill
Program Director, College of Education
Major: Ph.D. Higher Education Leadership and Policy Studies
Amy Reid
Director, C. T. Bauer College of Business
Major: Pre-Business Administration
Jorge Arellano
Program Manager, C. T. Bauer College of Business
Major: M.Ed. Higher Education
Andrea Fernandez Velázquez
Academic Advisor 2, College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences
Major: Post-baccalaureate Spanish
Hemen Hosseinzadeh
Instructional Lab Manager, Cullen College of Engineering
Major: Ph.D. Biomedical Engineering
Cindy Paz
Program Director, Honors College
Major: M.B.A. Business Administration
Luke Parnell
Program Manager, Student Center Media Services
Major: B.A. Media Production
Jesus Sanchez
Financial Coordinator, UIT Business Services
Major: M.A. History
Carina Pouraryan
Development Associate, Medicine and Health Advancement
Major: M.B.A. Business Analytics
Rashda Khan
Assistant Director, Marketing and Communications
Major: M.A. Communication
2023-2024 Staff Council B. Renae Milton Students of Staff Scholarship
Olivia Goodley
Major: Sociology
Parent: Hope Pacheco
Kevin Nguyen
Major: Computer Information Systems
Parent: Tuyet Nguyen
2023-2024 Women Gender Resource Center Scholarships
Caroline Neary
Senior Research Analyst, Undergraduate Student Success Center
Major: Ph.D. Higher Education Leadership and Policy Studies
Wendy Winborn
Academic Advisor 2, Economics
Major: M.S. Social Work
Maria Honey
Director of Student Services, C. T. Bauer College of Business
Major: Ph.D. Higher Education Leadership and Policy Studies
Hope Pacheco
Asst. Dean of Students, Dean of Students
Major: Ph.D. Higher Education and Policy Studies