True UH

There’s no spirit like the University of Houston Cougar spirit. And no better time than Homecoming to look back on nearly 100 years of UH pride.
Since our founding in 1927, growth and change have been constant, but one thing always stays the same: It’s all True UH.
UH logos and Cougar icons that once were fresh and cutting edge are now vintage.
The old yearbook photos may make you realize that Grandpa was a “historical hottie,” and that Mom proudly wore the school colors while cheering on the Cougars with her classmates.
It's all a valuable part of UH history. And it invokes just as much passion now as it did then.

What’s in a Logo?
The interlocking UH logo is the University’s boldest and most well-known symbol. It made its first appearance in the 1930s and was proudly worn by the 1935 UH ice hockey team.
That’s right ... ice hockey. UH once had a “fighting bunch of puck-pushers,” as described by the yearbook staff.

Though, it took a few years before the U and the H were officially and forever interlocked as the UH logo.
Over the next several decades, the logo took on a life of its own, being adapted to fit the needs of the designer. It was precocious and untamed, much like the University it represented.
And though the U and the H were occasionally separated by periods, made slender or thick or accompanied by a cougar – eventually, the interlocked design reigned supreme.
“People identify personally with their school’s logos on a very deep level.”
The scarlet red and albino white has never changed; but just like the University, the UH logo has evolved. Each generation has a version they feel an affinity with because they wore it across their heart as a student, employee or fan of UH.
“It’s the single symbol carrying the greatest weight and meaning for a university’s community,” said Patrick Mulligan, executive director of brand management, licensing and trademarks. “People identify personally with their school’s logos on a very deep level.”
Nowadays, the UH logo appears throughout the campus and is worn proudly by the Cougar community coast to coast; it also travels abroad with students, faculty and alumni. It’s the primary spirit mark on team uniforms, apparel and other licensed merchandise.
“Changes to a university logo — even subtle ones — are not to be taken lightly or made on a whim,” said Mulligan. “However, logos can change over time in ways that reflect the growth and evolution of their institutions.”
“As I see it, the interlocking UH is a good example — it’s bold, strong, contemporary and distinctive — just like the university it represents.”

Whose House?
One of the many rich traditions of UH is its official school mascot, the cougar known as Shasta.
From 1947-1989, five live cougars served as mascots at Cougar sporting events; since then, costumed students have continued the tradition.
A fan favorite, Shasta has represented UH sporting a variety of styles — a jaunty, hat-wearing brawler or a leaping, wild animal that captures the brave spirit of our team.

Employees, students, alumni and fans have sported T-shirts, bumper stickers and other gear featuring his face and likeness for more than nine decades.
In 1995, Shasta gained a girlfriend: Sasha. At sporting events and around campus, this couple spreads Cougar pride and spirit.
You can catch them performing push-ups for each point scored during a football game. Legend has it that in 1995 when UH scored a 95-21 victory against SMU — true to Cougar tradition, Shasta performed a total of 800 push-ups in one game.
The look of Shasta and Sasha also has changed a bit over the years. But the enthusiasm and support of UH that they stand for remains strong as ever.

A Century of Pride
Seeing the symbols that represent UH can invoke real passion. With nearly 100 years of greatness, we have a lot to feel proud of:
- UH is the leading public research university in Houston and third largest in Texas, with more than 47,000 students.
- UH ranks in the top10% of universities nationwide and among the best in Texas on social mobility.
- We’re a primary engine of Houston’s educated workforce, having produced more than 350,000 college graduates with the majority living and working in the Houston metro area.
- The economic impact of the University contributes more than $6.4 billion annually to the Texas economy, while generating about 62,000 jobs.
Go Coogs!
Our logo, mascots and memorabilia will surely change over the next 100 years just as they have the past 100. But the pride and passion all Coogs feel upon seeing them will be the same. And that’s True UH.
To see more of UH logos, icons and history, check out UH Libraries Special Collections or our History and Traditions.
UH Alma Mater:
All hail to thee,
Our Houston University.
Our hearts fill with gladness
When we think of thee.
We'll always adore thee,
Dear old varsity.
And to thy memory cherished,
True we'll ever be.
Words by Harmony Class of 1942